Meditations on the Holy Spirit


Spirit Power

In some traditional charismatic circles, the ministry of
the Holy Spirit is associated with a great deal of noise.
But don’t confuse noise with power. The power of
Christ doesn’t depend on the power of man. Rather,
the opposite is true: the power of God relies upon the
powerlessness of man. Our power and exertion shut
down the power of the Holy Spirit. Of course we must
be confident and enthusiastic; but we must also be
aware of the Holy Spirit attempting to work with us. A
quiet attitude of worship can release the moving of the
Spirit just as much as an atmosphere of high sounding
praise. Irreverence blocks the moving of the Spirit. Jesus
Himself had difficulties performing miracles in places
where He was denied honour (Mark 6:5).

See you at Presence!

This is an excerpt from Phil Pringle’s book ‘Moving in the Spirit’