When God doesn’t do what you expect


John 16:7 ‘…It is to your advantage that I go away; for if do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.’

The disciples could not comprehend how it could be to their advantage if Jesus ‘went away!’  When people we have relied on are not there, we have to rise & discover the gifts, calling & power God has placed in our life.

As long as Jesus was with them, they wouldn’t discover the power of the Holy Spirit for themselves.  Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers because He wants us to discover His power in us, answering our prayer.

He goes to sleep in our boat so WE WILL WAKE UP.  We are the answer to our own prayer at times, if we will get up and start being & doing what we are believing for!!

See you in church!