Meditations on the Holy Spirit


Romans 8:5 (NKJV)

5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

We fulfill the requirements of God when we walk in the Spirit. The key to living in the Holy Spirit is to ‘set your mind on the things of the Spirit’. If our mind dwells on the things of the flesh, then we will live in the flesh.

This is a general rule in life; our thoughts determine our walk.

The ‘things’ of the Spirit are; the Word; Worship; Prayer; Ministry; Fellowship. These are things to not just know about, but are things we ‘do’ – as in read the Word, sing worship songs, pray, fellowship, and do the work of the ministry.

When the flesh sends an impulse to do something, and we follow that impulse we are walking in the flesh. We need to not follow the impulses of the flesh, crucifying our flesh and its passions. This means denying ourselves those things we want to do. But when the Spirit prompts us to pray, we need to follow that impulse and so we learn to walk in the Spirit. If our mind is continually on the things of the flesh we will follow those impulses, but if on the Spirit, those.

All the energy, wisdom, blessing we can get, comes from the Spirit. If we live in Him we will access all of these. Apart from the Spirit we are fatigued, short on wisdom and working hard without favor and blessing on our efforts.

To live in the Spirit is to walk in the Spirit. This is to walk at the same pace, not faster, nor slower; walk in the same direction; this is making decisions in harmony with the Spirit, which are only discovered by the heart that is surrendered, believing and obedient.

See you in church!

Moving in the Spirit – by Phil Pringle