Undistracted focus


Proverbs 4:5 “Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.”

Our feet follows our eyes! Our mind dwells on what our eyes look at! In a transient world commitment to ONE MAN or VISION is imperative to gain great results. We become what we thing. We are transformed by our mind being renewed. What we look at is what we thing about.

So many visions, goals, ‘other’ things trying to hijack our mind. We must be strong enough to maintain vigilant focus on what God has called us to. If we go from one path to another, switch jobs, family’s, spouses, churches, houses, towns all the time through life. We are in danger of rooflessness, which means fruitlessness. 

David kept his vision on ONE thing – ‘to dwell in the House of the Lord’. Paul said -‘this one thing I do’. Focus your entire life on achieving your ONE great goal. Peter looked to the side asking Jesus what would happen to John.

Jesus said ‘You follow Me’. Means – don’t be worried about what everyone else is doing. ‘You follow Him’.

See you in Church!